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понедельник, 5 июля 2010 г.

In addition to the snout, beaked whales are characterized by two t.... beak (

Ranging in length from 3.7 metres (12.1 feet) for the dwarf, or pygmy, beaked whale ( Mesoplodon peruvianus ) to nearly 13 metres for the ( Berardius bairdii ), these mammals weigh between 1,000 and 14,000 kg (2,200 and 31,000 pounds). In almost all beaked whales, functional teeth are limited to one or two pairs present only in the lower jaw, and these usually erupt through the gums only in the male. Shepherd's beaked whale ( Tasmacetus shepherdi ) is unusual in having numerous small functional teeth. Although beaked whales lack the usual first compartment (forestomach), their connecting chambers, which contain up to 10 subcompartments, are more complex than those in other cetaceans.

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