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вторник, 10 августа 2010 г.

All About Detox Diet – FREE Articles Directory

Detox diet can be defined as a diet plan for a type of treatment that helps eliminating waste materials or toxins from our body to maintain good health. All these diets work towards providing high fiber, vitamins, nutrients and oxidants to the body to facilitate good frequency of bowel movements and urination. ?Regular bowel movements ?Improved digestion ?Enhanced concentration ?Overall clarity of body Before going for a detox diet it is very important for you to consult a qualified and veteran health professional or a medical doctor. If you are pregnant or nursing women or children shouldn't go on a detox diet. People should go detox diet because a growing body of research suggests that the kind of chemicals we ingest in our body via food, water and air gets deposited in fat cells in our bodies. Since detox diets are helpful in eliminating toxins from the body. When on a detox diet people are supposed to consume only fruits, vegetables and unprocessed natural food. You can even go for fresh homemade vegetables on a detox diet. These diets are known to exterminate toxins from environment that can be transferred to body from food, water and air. The diet that contains fruits, meat and vegetables in equal proportions is a healthy diet.

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