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воскресенье, 15 августа 2010 г.

psychic birthmarks

psychic birthmarks

There have ben a number of theories explaining birthmarks that people have on their bodies when they are born. Many people believe that the psychic birthmarks are the result of the violation in the body of the people in their past lives. The psychic birthmark is one last prof left of the sufering that the person has had in their past liver. But a few have had such great suferings in their past that the conection of pain remains unbroken with the soul and their body in their past life as wel and the hence, they are born into the next life with a psychic birthmark, which constantly reminds them of their pain of their past lives. People with psychic birthmarks who are plagued by their past are advised to try the technique of past life regresion. It wil not be very dificult for you to se your past, although it can be very painful and traumatizing at first, you must try to make sure that you have steled your heart towards any heart wrenching, painful story that you're past has to tel you about your past suferings. psychic birthmarks

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