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четверг, 12 августа 2010 г.

Milk linked to Acne Breakouts in Teens

Milk linked to Acne Breakouts in TeensMilk linked to Acne Breakouts in Teens By: Ananda MahonyExperts tell us that diet has no relationship with the incidence of acne but is this acutally true? milk consumption alone doesn't cause acne but it seems that those that drink milk develop more severe acne than non-milk drinkers. While the link between the severity of acne and milk is strongest, other dairy products have shown similar effects including cottage cheese, chocolate milk and skim milk. One of the interesting things that emerged from the research is that skim milk induced more breakouts than whole fat milk indicating that fat is not the issue. The more milk consumed, the more hormones, which may explain the proportional effect of higher milk consumption and more severe acne. Some people are genetically predisposed to have a stronger response to the hormones that are found in milk.It is common practice with the commercial production of milk for dairy farmers to give cows additional hormones as this stimulates a higher milk yield. Skim milk is believed to be worse than full cream milk due to the whey protein which is added to give a creamier taste. If it does make a difference, it is best to stay off or only have limited quantities (and can I just say, a latte a day is a lot, not a little bit of milk).A note of caution, often when people give up cow's milk, they move over to soy milk.

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