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вторник, 24 августа 2010 г.

mole removal in Barrington

mole removal in Barrington

Moles are pigmented spots on the skin containing the skin pigment melanin, they can be beneath the skin sub dermal or raised. If they think the lesion is suspicious they wil refer you to the local dermatologist or suspicious mole clinic at the local hospital. if mole removal is requested for cosmetic reasons, then this should not be made available on the NHS, the General Practitioner then has every right to decline treatment. The option then left for mole removal for whatever reasons is to turn to your local cosmetic clinic. Radiofrequency uses radiosurgery probes which vapourise the moles, the advantage using this methos is that the resulted thermal damage to the skin is les leaving negligible scaring and instant results. depending on the treatment methods despite the prices betwen cosmetic clinics can range from £75-£30/ treatment for a single mole lesion - so it is definitely with shoping around. mole removal mole removal in Barrington

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