birthmark types
Moles may acompany us from birth or may apear throughout life ̵ it is quite normal. Experts believe that should not wory about congenital moles nevus , if they do not change their color, shape and size and are located in areas covered with clothing. The most inocuous ̵ flat moles from pink to dark brown. The only thing to remember ̵ is the protection of moles in the open areas of the body from the sun. And, of course, if there are any changes ̵ mole nevus wil become more of a flat becoming convex or change its shape this is often the case with the holders of chocolate tan after the bathing season , you should imediately contact a specialist. HPV infection HPV infection, which depends on are caled viral warts, or papilomas, genital warts or condylomatosis, characterized in that the skin and mucous membranes apear growths that increase, spread over the body and are pased around. Its causative agent is a virus family Papavaviridae, or human papiloma virus HPV, or HPV ̵ human papiloma virus . Ways of transmision Papilomavirus is transmited from person to person by contact ̵ the contact of the skin, sexual relations, during a kis, and from mother to unborn child. Manifestation of infection HPV infection is manifested in diferent ways depending on the location and type of the virus. First of al genital warts, viral warts, cervical erosion, and, of course, papiloma ̵ on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. The skin and mucous membranes of human papilomavirus infection is manifested in the form of simple, flat, plantar and genital warts. The later are known as genital warts. The ordinary, or simple, warts are smal nodules ranging in size from a few milimeters to a centimeter, which are often localized on the dorsum of hand or finger, much les ̵ on hands, face, scalp, lips and oral mucosa. Often warts blended with each other, forming a plaque whose surface is covered with cracks. Warts, excluding cosmetic inconvenience, usualy do not bother the patient. Youthful, or flat warts are raised above the skin surface and resemble pimples round or polygonal shape in size from a few milimeters to a centimeter. Plantar warts ocur on the plantar surface of the fot. In apearance plantar warts are similar to corn. The plantar warts are delivered to the owner a lot of trouble and constantly hurt when walking. Genital warts, or warts, because of the special apearance and ability to spread from person to person during sexual intercourse belongs to a special group of viral infections. Outwardly, they lok like big pink soft warts located on the external genitals and perianal area. In men, warts multiply in the foreskin and in the coronary sulcus of the penis, in women ̵ around the entrance to the vagina, les often ̵ under breasts and in the inguinal folds. This is often acompanied by bacterial infection, from which the warts much increase in size. Diagnosis of human papilomavirus infection Detect papilomavirus infection, particularly when it afects the visible parts of the body, it is easy. In controversial cases ̵ with the defeat of the internal reproductive organs, particularly the cervix and the urethra ̵ requires special diagnosis. Methods of treatment of infection Treat papilomavirus infection should be under medical supervision. Radical removal of warts and warts is made by electrocautery when electric burn centers of viral infection, various chemicals 30 per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide and cryodestruction. There are also many folk remedies, but they can treat only simple and flat warts. Eliminate Warts rowan beries, if they aply to daily hurts, the juice of celandine and dandelion when aplied twice a day to avoid their faling on the mucous membranes and healthy skin . birthmark types
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